First the boring, because that is the shortest thing to tell; I was born in Louisville, Kentucky.
Now the good is I am married to a wonderful, supportive man named Adrian Sims. We live in Stone Mountain, Georgia
and the mountain is less than 4 miles from our front door. I have four beautiful children ages 28 to 15, Kasi, Kinte, Kortney
& Khasyln. I have a fantastic beautiful step-daughter named Destene'.
The bad is reserved for Mr. Sims!
Writing is my first love. It has not always been a good lover or even a faithful one. But I cannot quit, cannot walk
away when I am so close to the long awaited ecstasy of being published.
Black is the the color of my mind, body
& soul!
Black woman, Black woman, Black woman!
GOD'S most beautiful creation.The first one to stand by her man in the garden, even though you sinned, you
were blessed with breast/to feed a world only your hips were wide enough to birth.Your skin is THE only one that has made
every nationality of man screammmm. Eyes demanding, commanding, reflecting, respecting all who cannot escape.
Black woman, Black woman, Black woman!
All want to be you. All want to be you. All want to be you.
They bake it, and tan it and brown it and inject it and frizz it and shape it and push it and pump it
and coax it and pay for it...dearly.
All want to be you. All want to be you. All want to be you.
Except you.
You bleach it and perm it and brighten it and lighten it and cream it and steam it and sew it and glue it
and bind it and tint it and pay for it...dearly.
One day you will step away from that looking glass which can only distort and peer into the cool ocean, river,
lake, stream and see your real reflection.
Black woman.
This is the greatest thing that ever happened to me..
I was born with a part of you. The good part. The part that would learn to love and live. Learn your ABC's and to tie your
shoes, and to speak sign language and play sports and instrutments and excell and soar and be.
A total of three years I carried you. Sometimes as a secret...sometimes not. When the other half came to enter and tear
and spit and snarl, I hoped some of the goodness would remain.
It did.
There is nothing I would rather do than to give birth to you over and over and over and over again. Yeah it hurt like hell.
Every time!
But the smiles and smells and the essence of "Mama" from your lips to my ears is all I'll ever need.
Thank you for making me more than I could ever make myself.